As Global Trade Gets Set To Boom, Freight Forwarder DHL Gets Ready With Massive Expansion

The freight forwarding firm DHL is never afraid to jump first. While many other Western companies hesitated when China began opening up its central and western realms, DHL plowed ahead, opening new hubs in places that are now some of the most economically dynamic cities in the world. When the international media was harbingering the coming collapse of China in 2014 as growth slid to a 24-year low, DHL upped their stakes in the country by 50%, tacking on six new logistics facilities that are set to open in 2020 — a year when China is now predicted to be stronger than ever. When the bulk of the transport industry in Europe was mocking trans-Eurasian rail, DHL was out in places like Chengdu, Suzhou, Manzhouli, Khorgos, and Małaszewicze, laying down the foundations for what is today a booming 30+ route network that has become a very attractive and lucrative trans-continental transport option.

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About Author: Wade Shepard

I’m the author of Ghost Cities of China. Traveling since ’99. Currently on the New Silk Road. Read my other articles on Forbes here.