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Seeing Clearly: The Value of Visibility

Few parts of the enterprise have transformed more radically over the years than supply chain as companies struggle to navigate global sourcing, just-in-time delivery models, and unprecedented customer…

Global shipping trends: What to expect in 2020

Today’s ocean carriers are quick to withdraw capacity when demand changes. By adjusting the amount of equipment available, ocean carriers are better able to ensure demand remains tight enough to…

A look at what is in store for 2020

... I didn’t have a clue. I think back to stories I was writing less than a decade ago, and none of them predicted the rise in robotics or the emergence of things like artificial intelligence or the…

The Logistics News That Shaped 2019

Every year at this time, group news editor Jeff Berman combs through the mountain of news that was reported, written and posted by the Logistics Management editorial staff over the course of the year…